Book: Decadent Dreams
Author: Nicole Garcia
Publication Date: 2/14/2017
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars
This by far in my opinion is the best book this author has ever written. It has so much depth, feeling, strength of characters.
I found myself busting out laughing one minute, wanting to cry they next. Phoenix is no ordinary female she is strong, sassy, and will put even the biggest of men in their place.
She isn't quite prepared for her new boss Nico and lord knows he isn't quite ready for the firecracker that is known to all as Phe.
I enjoyed this book very much.. It's a roller-coaster ride, gives us suspense, action, laughter and heart. Awesome reading.
I am the proofreader for this book but I am still giving you my heart felt and very honest review.
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